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Strategies for successful weight loss

August 2, 2020
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Losing weight is not only a matter of aesthetics.
The most important factor is to maintain health, since being overweight can trigger many diseases that rob us of years of life.
However, many times dieting to lose weight can be frustrating.
It becomes an obsession, a vicious circle that returns from time to time and produces frustration.
To avoid this, it is important to have strategies that help in the process.

Commitment. Losing weight should be a long-term commitment.
Miracle diets do not exist and only those that involve a change of lifestyle work, with which you will lose weight slowly but effectively.

Realistic objectives. You cannot think that everything can be achieved in two days and, besides, each person is different.
It is better to set simple goals to achieve, such as exercising half an hour every day or eating vegetables once a day, which will give you confidence in achieving them.

Team sports. Play a team sport: it’s easier and more fun to do sports when you share it with other people.

Water. Drink more water and forget about sodas, even sugar-free ones.
Many studies indicate that sugar substitutes are implicated in weight gain.
Water is natural, necessary and will allow you to better appreciate the flavors of food.

Sitting at the table. Eating at the table always makes you aware of how much you eat.
If you eat standing up, in front of the computer or TV, you will not be aware of what you are putting in your mouth.

Healthy snacks. When dieting, the worst are the moments of hunger.
Many studies reveal that in that state you eat whatever is at hand.
If you have fruits or vegetables ready to eat, you can grab them whenever you feel an irresistible urge to eat something.

Supplements. There are supplements that help you lose weight because they lower blood sugar and help reverse insulin resistance.
One such supplement is Irvingia Gabonensis.
In a study published in the scientific journal Lipids in Health and Disease, 102 overweight or obese individuals took either Irvingia Gabonensis IGOB131® (a purified, patented extract of the Irvingia Gabonensis plant) or a placebo.
There were no changes in diet or exercise routine.
At the end of the study, those taking Irvingia Gabonensis IGOB131® extract had lost a significant amount of weight – an average of 28 pounds – while the placebo group lost only 1.5 pounds.
The researchers found that subjects in the group taking the purified Irvingia Gabonensis extract experienced “significant improvements in body weight, body fat and waist circumference.”
According to the researchers, Irvingia Gabonensis IGOB131® “significantly and safely reduces body weight in overweight or obese subjects and has a favorable impact on a variety of other metabolic parameters.”
The researchers also observed that cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels improved significantly compared to the control group.
These beneficial changes also provided considerable protection against diabetes and cardiovascular disease beyond the benefits of fat loss.


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