Pain and suffering are part of life, but sometimes we suffer unnecessarily. Many times we live so depressed about the past, or anxious about the future that we allow our health to suffer. For this reason, what I come to tell you today is…
There is NOTHING more important than mental health!
Taking care of our body, mind and spirit begins in childhood and extends into old age. Taking care of the brain is also necessary at all stages of life, especially when, after 40, we begin to notice the signs that our mind is no longer what it used to be. Life’s problems not only threaten our mind but also the irreversible clock that marks our life. The good news is that it is simple and only requires a few changes in the daily routine to enjoy a more active and healthy mind.
A healthy mind in a healthy body
Lead an orderly and healthy life, make exercise Regular exercise (even if it is not very intense) will also benefit the brain and protect it during old age.
Diet is a key factor in protecting the brain.
Some vegetables such as celery, cauliflower or broccoli are very beneficial.
Avoiding processed fats and convenience foods and instead eating natural mind-protecting foods such as nuts, fruits and unprocessed vegetable oils rich in omega-3 will become the brain’s best allies.
Getting a good night’s sleep allows the brain to rest and be ready to face each day with renewed momentum.
Learning new things at any age is always rewarding and stimulates brain function.
It is never too late to take up a new hobby or pick up a language you studied in your youth.
Maintaining an active social life also protects the mind.
If you live alone, visit your friends and family frequently, take an interest in their lives and plan activities with them.
Maintaining a healthy mind is synonymous with a healthy and rewarding life.
You don’t need to do anything special, just enjoy life’s little pleasures in moderation, be open to new knowledge, care about others and eat natural foods rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.
And, above all, let go of anger without holding grudges or nurturing resentments or the desire for revenge.