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How Covid-19 affects the heart

October 20, 2020
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Most people already know that there are pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure, respiratory conditions, diabetes and heart problems, that increase the likelihood of complications due to Covid-19. However, many are unaware of the dangerous downstream effects that can affect people who have contracted the virus.

At first, almost everyone thought Covid-19 was a respiratory or lung disease, and that is true, of course. But as the virus has affected more people and they have recovered, it has become clear that even after recovery all may not be well.

The link between Covid-19 and heart problems

Several recent studies show that there is a link between Covid-19 and heart problems that arise after recovery. Instead of moving on normally after recovering from the disease, researchers have found that some patients may carry over damage to the heart.

A study published July 27, 2020 in JAMA Cardiology investigated 100 patients who had had Covid-19. None of them had suffered a severe case and some had not reported any symptoms. Among these patients, 78% showed heart damage even months after being affected by the virus.

Another study, also published in JAMA Cardiology, found the hearts of people who had died from the coronavirus. In many of these hearts, the virus was still present in the heart and in several of them it was still replicating. These results also show that the coronavirus affects the heart.

The conclusion of these two studies is this: even if you have a mild case of coronavirus or show no symptoms, the virus can cause lasting damage to your heart. And that will make you more susceptible to more serious heart problems in the future.

Main ways to take care of your heart health

You are already familiar with the steps you can take to prevent coronavirus infection, such as wearing a facemask or face mask, washing your hands frequently, and keeping your social distance. However, it is also important to take steps to take care of your heart health.

Whether you’ve already had the virus or not, here are several important steps you can take to help maintain the health of your heart.

Exercise regularly.

With so many people following orders to stay indoors instead of carrying out essential activities such as working or shopping, it has become very easy to neglect exercise. But exercise is essential for heart health and can be done while maintaining social distance.

The American Heart Association recommends that adults get 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise and focus on spending less time sitting to ward off the risks that accompany a sedentary lifestyle.

2. Learn to manage stress in your life.

Although everyone experiences stress and it is impossible to completely eliminate it from your life, too much stress can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure, which increases your risk of heart problems.

Stress also affects other factors and behaviors that increase the risk of heart disease, such as lack of physical activity, overeating, cholesterol levels, drinking too much alcohol or smoking. Any measures taken to manage stress, such as exercise, meditation and yoga, can help.

3. Keep any chronic health conditions under control.

To help maintain heart health, it is also essential to make sure you manage your current health conditions well. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, these conditions must be effectively treated to reduce your risk of heart problems in the future. If you do not have these conditions, it can also help to take steps to prevent high blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol problems.

4. Follow a healthy diet.

Be sure to follow a heart-healthy diet that helps maintain your heart health and prevent other health problems. Eat a diet full of whole foods and foods containing antioxidants that fight inflammation in the body associated with heart disease. Stay away from sugar, salt and trans fats, as they are known to increase the risk of heart problems and increase factors that can increase the risk of heart disease.

5. Take vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin D supplements offer heart health benefits and boost the immune system. In fact, studies show that taking vitamin D supplements can reduce the risk of respiratory infections caused by various viruses by half. Other research has found that vitamin D helps improve blood vessel health, which is essential for heart health, reduces the risk of stroke and is associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome.

Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to higher blood pressure, and some studies show that adding a vitamin D supplement can help lower blood pressure while reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

We now know that Covid-19 affects not only the lungs, but also the heart. Start taking action today to protect the health of your heart and immune system.


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